Active Chiros has been raising money again!!


Here at Active Chiros we have a passion to work in the community, for the community. 

We want people to Move & Feel Better; from treating patients, supporting local sporting teams, allowing students the chance to shadow at our clinics, to raising money and suppotting some amazing charities - Team Theo Sheffield Childrens Hospital. 

We have amazing patients, family, friends, staff and supporters and this has been shown by the amazing support through our charity events, granted they may be small, but to us...every bit counts and we know that this is true for the children at Sheffield Childrens hospital too.

Kerrie, one of the directors has completed the Liverpool Half Marathon, We have held car park parties, we have had raffles and tombolas...all made possible by the supprot from people around us - local people and amazing people.

Thank you everyone for supporting us!!!